Doing What You Love

August 2, 2011

I’ve been thinking more and more about the concept of doing what you love. For me, it’s not just being an entrepreneur, but supporting/helping entrepreneurs in whatever ways I can. It’s what I’d do without being paid for it – er, what I have been doing without being paid for it, through running the Young Entrepreneurs’ Club and the Queen’s Entrepreneurs Competition. I can’t help it – I just do it! And have been for pretty much the past 6 years – if you count running my high school’s Social Action Conference. It’s all about helping people pursue what they are passionate about – and entrepreneurship just happens to be an amazing expression of pursuing your passions. I’m going to make sure I keep this in my mind as I choose what to allocate my time to in the upcoming months/years. You can read what Paul Graham has to say about it here.


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