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This Masterclass is a Must-Attend If You’ve Ever Asked Yourself…
how do i find a career i'll love?
Learn how to apply principles from design thinking, lean methodology and the quantified self movement to find a great career fit in record time.

How do I get unstuck?
Stuck in a job that is making you miserable, or doesn't satisfy your long-term wants and needs? Can't figure out how to get the time or space to find something new? Figure out how to make a change.
What do i do first?
Perhaps you've tried traditional career selection methods but haven't found something you like. It's overwhelming to figure out what to do first to find a career you'll love. This class will show you the first steps to lasting change.

Whether You’re Starting From Scratch or You’ve Been at This a While
Finding a great career fit doesn’t have to induce migraines or have you hiding in bed ready to throw in the towel. I’m about to help you move out of your own way and get going with confidence.
By the end of our time together you’ll have a step-by-step plan to put into action and welcome in a new career you'll love.
Ready to find a great career fit faster than a snail’s pace and never have to dread going into the office again?
"I found her talk helpful as a recent graduate"
"I found Jennifer personable as she shared about her desire to change the world. She later discussed her book, How to Figure Out What to Do with Your Life (Next), and I found her talk helpful as a recent graduate. She explained Career Planning by Design very well and I definitely learned a lot from her presentation!"
- Shelley Rottenberg
In This Masterclass, You'll Discover:
Why your background doesn’t matter and how you can become anything you want
My simple 5-minute “CAREER OPTION BRAINSTORMING” exercise.
Boy oh boy do I have some great success stories to share with you. Come to class and hear some of my favorite career change stories. It all starts with a real-life example of someone who was dissatisfied and underpaid as an actress… and ends with a high income as a software engineer.
I’ll reveal the exercise I use with clients. With this exercise you'll uncover great career ideas so you’re never stumped about what the heck to choose from again.
exercises that make you go “Hmmmmm”... in a good way!
My “No More bad jobs” get started and hit the ground running method to start finding a great career… TODAY.
Getting to know yourself better and prototyping your options is career search gold. I’ll show you how to create a career design process to suddenly see a career search that feels more like a stampede rather than a snail’s pace.
You’re about to start winning at this career search game and I’m here to coach you through every step of the way. Up until now it may have felt scary, frustrating, or confusing but all of that’s about to change. Discover the roadmap to help you stop wasting time and start seeing results.

Join Me in Class and Receive (for FREE):
Your Guide To Finding A Career You'll Love
Designed to meet the needs of your career as it evolves so you can keep using them for years to come — Your Guide To A Finding A Career You'll Love is the icing on the cake for all of your career fit finding efforts.
Grab this bonus when you join me in class at your scheduled time and discover the 6 strategies I used to go from being dissatisfied in my corporate job to finding a career I love.
Save your spot, show up, and snag this bonus! Click here to join >>>

A Note from Jennifer...
After 10 years in business as an entrepreneur since being dissatisfied in my corporate job, I can confidently say — when your find a great career fit, your whole life gets a lot better.
It’s one of the most powerful tools you’ve got when it comes to increasing your happiness and success trajectory, and it’s surprisingly simple to get started and gain major momentum FAST.
If you’re willing to invest just 60 minutes to learn how to overcome the most common career fit finding frustrations, then I promise to reward your energy with only the latest and most effective strategies that will have you finding a great career fit in no time flat.
My goal for you? After this free masterclass, you will never again say the words, “I’m struggling because I don’t like my career.” Stick with me . . . I’ll help you make this a reality. Choose the time that works best for you here »
See you there!