Why Jennifer

Jennifer Turliuk is an award-winning speaker and entrepreneur who turned dissatisfaction with her corporate job into a groundbreaking self-education journey and dream career. After interviewing and shadowing some of Silicon Valley’s leading minds: professors, founders, and investors, she went on to be the CEO of MakerKids, the first Makerspace for kids in the world. She also authored multiple books, like How to Figure Out What to Do With Your Life (Next), that help adults land the careers they’re seeking and encourage kids to become the leaders of tomorrow.

Success in the modern world comes from hustle and a can-do attitude. Jennifer speaks from her most authentic self, talking about everything from making the most of emerging technologies, to developing skills like leadership, resilience, creativity, and more.

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Featured Talks

The Future of Learning & Innovation

Career Planning by Design

Tedx St. Mary: Technology Therapy

Innovating Ourselves & Raising Kids as Innovators

Tedx Santiago: Career Ups & Downs


"Jennifer was fabulous and she was the perfect fit for our topic discussion. She used current and tangible examples which I know our parents really appreciated. It would be fitting to have Jennifer present again in the future as we expand our building to incorporate a Maker Space of our very own"


PRIMARY speaking topics

The Future of Work


Professionals will need to adapt, prototype and reimagine the way they look at their careers to meet the critical changing need of society and create a better future for us all. In this presentation, Jennifer shares what the future of work will look like and how we can keep up, create opportunity, and choose careers that continue to allow us to evolve in a changing world – finding this is possible at any age and stage.


The Future of Learning

The jobs of the future don’t exist today and we need our children to be able to adapt, create and apply their knowledge to meet the changing needs of our society and create a better a future for us all. Jennifer’s company MakerKids leads the makerspace industry in education. In this presentation, she shares what the future of education will look like and how we can prepare students for the jobs of tomorrow.

Career Planning by Design


Jennifer’s exploratory approach to finding her career has been documented as one of Forbes’ Greatest Hits. In this presentation, she shares how audiences can learn from her experience of prototyping her career future, taking risks, and challenging herself to explore new opportunities, all while pursuing her passion.

STEM & the Maker Movement - from Consumer to Creator


Jennifer’s business model for MakerKids became the first and largest makerspace for kids in the world. Her focus is interest driven STEM learning programs, great service and fostering 21st century skills and technological skills – empowering youth to be the leaders of tomorrow. In addition to teaching kids technology skills, MakerKids also helps develop skills like leadership, resilience, creativity, and more.

Next Gen Business Success


Today’s success comes from the hustle and can-do attitude. Jennifer’s business model is based on a ‘Make it happen’ approach: Make anything possible, make something awesome, make things happen and make new connections. She shares her entrepreneurial journey, lessons learned along the way and how Singularity University helped frame her thoughts around technology and education.

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